with its districts Berthelsdorf, Krumhermsdorf, Langburkersdorf, Niederottendorf, Oberottendorf, Polenz, Rückersdorf and Rugiswalde
The city of Neustadt in Saxony has a 675 year old history. Neustadt is a beautiful city that is located in the heart of the federal state of Saxony. It is close to the historic capital of the province, Dresden, and surrounded by the astonishing scenery of the Sächsische Schweiz and the Oberlausitzer Bergland.
The valley of Neustadt is embedded in an altitude of 300-585 m. It is surrounded by the ridge of the Hohwald and the Unger.
After the integration of the former township of Hohwald on August 1st, 2008 Neustadt has 14230 citizens and covers an area of 8689 hectares.
Neustadt offers attractive residential areas, a high level in childcare and education.
Furthermore, it provides a high standard of leisure time facilities such as a wide range of sport facilities and cultural activities.
Last but not least, Neustadt created best conditions for a supra-regional economic expansion by establishing industrial parks and a highly developed infrastructure.
Sightseeing in Neustadt in Saxony
Old and new things coincide in Neustadt: the historical centre of the city, old middle-class houses, centuries of tradition, a highly developed infrastructure, full taped industrial parks and locations for privately owned homes with a comfortable living standard. If you visit Neustadt, you will experience a small town, affected by the period of promotarism in the 19th century.
But the typical small-town-character with the market place as the centre of the town and cultivated parks has been holding up when modern new buildings were built. .
The largely reconstructed historical city centre offers various places of interest in addition to a large number of restaurants and shopping facilities. A special focus should be placed on the 300 year old guildhall and the posting milestone from the year 1729 close by (which was restored in february 2008).
Typically for the Neustadt are cultivated park areas in the centre of the city and idyllic lanes in a densely wooded surrounding.
A walk through the Arthur-Richter-Park, designed in 1891/92 near the Schützenhaus, is worth in every season of the year. It was reconstructed in 1992 and shelters both common and seldom types of trees.
The Theklapark near the station is especially famous for its blaze of colour in spring. A monument reminds of the victims of past wars.
A special place of interest is the St. Jacobi Church. The sanctuary of the late gothic protestant church was built in 1500 and is still conserved completely. The nave of the church was knocked down in 1883 due to dilapidation. Later it was rebuilt by Ludwig Möckel, an architect from Dresden. It was inaugurated with the new tower in 1884. Over the past years it was
restorated substantially.
The manse in close vicinity to the church is the oldest house in the city. It is the main place of activity of Wilhelm Leberecht Götzinger (1758-1818) who was cleryman and local researcher in Neustadt. His grave is directed near the old manse. Since its restoration you can marvel again at the renaissance-gable.
The Roman Catholic church St. Gertrudis was built in 1926/27 by the plans of the architect Kurcharz from Bautzen. Since the influence of the reformation, the Lutheran teaching is widely spread in Neustadt. With the help of foreign workers in the construction of the railway in the end of the 19th century and by migration processes after the world wars, there was an increase of the Roman Catholic parish.
On the cemetery you can find the graves of prominent former citizens of Neustadt. Moreover visitors can marvel at the cemetery chapel which was built in 1901 in a neo-Gothic style. It is used both, for religious and mundane obsequies. In the cold season the chapel functions as a winter-church for the Protestant parish.
The window with the picture of the resurrection is really worth seeing and bears the subscription:
"Entsetzt Euch nicht; Ihr suchet Jesum von Nazareth, den Gekreuzigten. Er ist auferstanden und nicht hier."
It means something like: „Do not be startled, You were looking for Jesus of Nazareth, the christ on the cross. He has risen and is not hear.”
This authentic window in art nouveau is the work of the stained-glass maker Urban from Dresden.
View of the Neustädter Markt with the historic town hall
The Wanitschke Fountain invites you to linger.
Arthur-Richter-Park, the green oasis in the city centre